Based on TRUE American Horror Stories

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Raymond McMillan's

"Snakebite Protection Chronicles"

Ignoring rape culture doesn't make it go away. "Snakebite Protection Chronicles" asks each audience member to listen, feel, think, and understand the urgency of the voices of an issue that affects everyone. This film asks you to be mindful of the people around you, to open your heart, ears and mind because protecting women from this crime is a goal worth persuing.

While "Snakebite Protection Chronicles" can't cover every aspect of this crime, it is a very tough and comprehensive film. If audiences are engaged by this film, the hope is that it will inspire people to act to strengthen existing laws, and find room for greater protections.

Lastly, it is important to understand that entertainment and education can be equal partners in audience engagement. "Snakebite Protection Chronicles" is the first step to further this kind entertainment, but it needs active support to do so. Please visit Hyperfex to learn more.